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Dear Daddy,


Where do I even begin with this? How does one attempt to put a lifetime of memories on paper? Words are not worthy to describe you my darling Da. I am very proud to be called your daughter because you are amazing in so many different ways. 


Let me just begin with all of my memories of you that I treasure and will never forget. One of my most favourite memories was mole tunnels in Powell Hut and how we made those massive big slides. Then there was sardines at Lake Taupo when we went up to Auckland. I can't remember who laughed the hardest that night but you would not stop cracking jokes!! I remember the time when you took me and Matt to town one Summer and we put the heater on full blast all the way there. Then there was going on the Holdsworth circuit, and Sam and Matt would go on ahead, so it was just you and me and we chatted nearly the whole way. I remember the time you and I went up the Atiwhakatu river to do some photography together. I also remember the time when we got to church really early and we had to drive around town for about 20 minutes. Then there was fishing for perch at the lagoon in Palmy and how you would patiently show me what to do. 


But most of all, I remember the moments we had, the times where we would be in the car and you would turn into Daddy, laughing and chatting together. You always made me feel special when we were together, alone. We would talk about all sorts of things. I really get along with you and we think the same in so many ways. I like how I can talk to you about anything and you know something about it. It's very special because there are not many people like you and to think that you are my Da is amazing. I love your sense of design and perfection and I have definitely inherited that from you. You are a very talented person and a massive inspiration to me. I like how you are very caring, safe, and always concerned for me and even though I think you do go a bit over the top sometimes, I am grateful that you do worry about me. I also like how spontaneous you are and how we would just go down to Wellington for the day because you just wanted to.


Thank you for your decision to have another baby too, Matthew, because we have had the greatest times together, just Matthew and I, and us three too. Thank you for letting us have our friends over to stay and thank you for letting us go away on holiday. Thank you also for putting up with my bad attitude sometimes and helping me through it.


You are an amazing person Da, and you are very talented at what you do. You are good at almost everything and you are such an inspiration to me. I love that you are home with us nearly all the time because of your job. I love your taste in music. I love your sense of style and design. I love your sense of humour. I love how adventurous you are. I love your love for God. I love your stories. I love your style of writing. I love your beard. I love your cooking. 


Thank you for the life you have given me and thank you for being in it. You are such a big part of my life, Da, and I love you sooooooo much. I can’t even put my love for you into words, Da. You are so special.


Never give up on God but always trust that He has the best plan for your life, whatever may come your way. Each day we don’t know what we have been spared from and although we may think we have the best ideas, they may not be God’s plans. He has the best plan for your life and although we may not see it now, we will find out all about it when we get to Heaven. My biggest wish is to see you in Heaven, where there will be no more pain and suffering for eternity. I want you to be there Da. Please make it. 


I don’t know how to end this apart from saying I love you with all my heart, Da. You’re the best Da anyone could ever wish for! 


Your most precious daughter,


Kate xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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